Monday Nov 06, 2023

Stuck in the Grind? Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing

In today's episode, we're jumping off of the emotional rollercoaster that is your fitness journey. Feel like you're on a treadmill to nowhere? You're in good company. But guess what? That frustration you're wrestling with? It's not your enemy; it's your fuel.


  • 0:00 - Frustration with Fitness Journey and Progress
    We start by acknowledging the universal truth: the frustration of feeling stuck in your fitness journey is a normal part of the process.

  • 2:09 - Body Development and Frustration with Aging
    Welcome to your 30s, the decade where your body starts playing hard to get. We discuss how this can actually be a catalyst for positive lifestyle changes.

  • 5:49 - Daily Routine and Fitness Habits
    From walking to meditation and meal prep, we explore the daily rituals that keep you sane. And yes, flexibility is key.

  • 7:21 - Creating Daily Habits for Self-Improvement
    Let's talk habit stacking. How to make self-care activities like meditation, exercise, and meal prep non-negotiables in your life.

  • 10:03 - Consistency and Progress in Personal Growth
    The 90-day mark: not the finish line, but a solid indicator of your commitment. We discuss why consistency is your best friend and how the daily grind actually makes you stronger.

Key Takeaways:

  • Frustration is a sign you're engaged, not a reason to quit.
  • Your body's changes as you age can be a motivator, not a deterrent.
  • Consistency and flexibility in your daily routine are not mutually exclusive.
  • Habit stacking can be a game-changer in your personal growth journey.
  • If you've been grinding for 90 days with no results, it's time to reassess and possibly seek professional guidance.

Resources Mentioned:

  • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear: A book you'll want on your shelf if you're serious about habit stacking and personal growth.

Closing Thoughts:

You're not aimlessly grinding away; you're laying the bricks for a healthier, happier you. So, if you're committed to the long game, this episode is your playbook. And if you're stuck, don't wing it. Seek help, whether it's from me or another qualified coach. Because in the grind, that's where the transformation happens.

Grab the items I mentioned today and more on my website now.

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