Monday Oct 30, 2023

Why Halloween Candy is F*cking Up Your Kid’s Relationship with Food


  • Timestamp: 0:00
  • Dive into the Halloween candy controversy. What's your philosophy? Are you a candy hoarder or a trunk-or-treater? I share my own childhood candy escapades and why it's crucial to think about the message you're sending your kids about food.

The Candy of Yesteryears:

  • Timestamp: 0:00-2:18
  • A trip down memory lane. How my dad's razor-blade paranoia led to a year-long candy stash under the bed. Spoiler: The family dog was the real candy thief.

Trunk or Treat: A Modern Dilemma:

  • Timestamp: 2:18-3:36
  • The rise of trunk-or-treat events and why they might be sucking the fun out of Halloween. Also, why it's not just about the candy; it's about the experience.

The Psychology of Candy Binging:

  • Timestamp: 3:36-7:02
  • The unintended consequences of letting your kids go ham on Halloween candy. Are you programming your kids for a lifetime of sugar highs and lows?

The Anatomy of Candy Choices:

  • Timestamp: 7:02-8:24
  • It's not just sugar; it's science. How the body processes candy and why timing matters. Spoiler: Post-football Snickers, anyone?

The Healthy Alternative: Joe Joe's Chocolate:

  • Timestamp: 8:24-End
  • A shoutout to JoJo's Chocolate. It's dark, it's delicious, and it won't send your blood sugar into orbit.


  • A final call to action. Think before you speak, especially when it comes to your kids and candy. Let's not mess up another generation's relationship with food, shall we?

Affiliate Link:

  • Love JoJo's Chocolate as much as I do or want to fall in love? Click the link to get your hands on some. Full disclosure: I get a commission, and I'm not ashamed of it.

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